It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs. JavaScript charts for web and mobile apps.Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets, using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. Award-winning JavaScript charting library & Qlik Sense extensions from a global leader in data visualization! Loved by thousands of happy customers, including over 75% of Fortune 500 companies & over half of the top 1000 software vendors worldwide. Learn how you can combine PivotChart and Slicer objects to create an easy-to-use and dynamic data summarization. Save up to 12h each month with just a few clicks! UpSlide helps you produce high-quality reports and presentations faster in PowerPoint, Excel and Word. Includes trend charts, past year/target comparisons, monthly & cumulative analysis in performance dashboard. ASAP Utilities is a powerful Excel add-in that fills the gaps in Excel. What are some alternatives? When comparing Kutools for Excel and Excel Dashboard School, you can also consider the following products Perform vary operations (adding, sorting, protecting, etc.) on sheets in current workbook.Screenshot Manager: Create screenshot of selected range and export it into various formats.Clean Ranges: Delete text, formats, notes, hyperlinks, conditional formatting, etc.Compare Ranges: Compare two columns or ranges and the output or highlighting of coincidences / differences between them.Split Ranges: Split one data table into several different sheets based on the values of the specified column or other criteria.

Data Collector: Consolidate Multiple Worksheets into one Workbook.Spreadsheet Tools – Effective management for Ranges.